Sector Inquiry about Licensing Musical Works to be broadcast in Public Places and by Radio and Television Companies (7.2.2018)

According to the decision of the Competition Board dated 21.12.2017 and numbered 17-42/673-M, it was decided to make a sector inquiry related to the music sector, about “licensing musical works to be broadcast in public places and by radio and television companies”.  As known, the Competition Board concluded with its decision dated 22.08.2017 and numbered 17-27/451-193 that Musical Work Owners’ Society of Turkey, Musical Work Owners Group, Turkish Phonographic Industry Society and Music Performers’ Professional Association, which was under investigation, did not violate article 4 and 6 of the Act no 4054 and therefore it was not necessary to impose administrative fines on the professional associations in question under article 16 of the same Act. The scope of the inquiry to be made in light of the findings that formed the basis of the said decision is not limited to the four professional music associations under investigation. The inquiry will cover other professional music associations and licensing activities in respect of public places and radio and television companies.

The sector inquiry, performed within the scope of competition advocacy, will cover findings obtained during the investigation process about four professional music associations as well as recent explanatory data gathered during the sector inquiry process.

In this respect, all shareholders in the sector could submit their views and suggestions to the Competition Authority via the contact information in our Website or e-mails given below until the end of working hours on 15 March 2018. Since the views and suggestions submitted to the Authority may be published on the Website, those who wish to keep their submissions confidential should indicate their request for confidentiality while submitting their views and suggestions.


Ayşe Özlem UZUN:     

Cihan BİLAÇLI: